Staking through D'cent

Can’t withdraw D’cent wallet
Tried connecting Metamask however no joy with duplicate information already added

Connect it to metamask. And use proper RPC.

Prime Numbers now has its own RPC Node on the XDC Network! Within your chosen wallet find the Add Network option and fill out the details in the photo on the left hand side. As a backup add the XDC Network RPC too by filling out the details in the photo on the right hand side.

For guidance and more information about the Prime Numbers RPC Node have a read of the article below…

Alternatively, watch our tutorial below which guides you through the process of adding a network to your MetaMask wallet.

I tried, it’s not letting me do it saying I already have a network with the same chain ID.

Kind Regards Stuart Daneo


Remove the other RPC and add just this one

When I do it’s wanting the block explorer URL. What’s that please?

Can’t move forward.

Kind Regards Stuart Daneo


Can I use the XDC network blockscan URL?
Regards Stuart

You can use