Transfer OG NFT on old contract from D’CENT to MM

I’m trying to transfer my OG NFT, that’s currently on the old contract, from D’CENT over to MM.

I will upload a picture if this helps the OG says burn or transfer, the other says swap or transfer.

I figure I have to send them to MM

I’m guessing I have to transfer first to meta mask, then swap to the new contract???

I set up a prime numbers specific RPC already. But I don’t know if D’CENT need to have that rpc set up also or am I already allowed to send to MM SINCE MM is PRNT RPC SET.

Don’t know what the first step is

Hello! Looks like you are not using for staking.

You are using the old version. is not being use anymore and will be closed.

Please use
Remember to always check updated information from our official links. You have múltiple support posts in medium, X, telegram…

Thank you.

Please see picture below, it does not give an option to migrate to new versions. It only says burn or transfer

What do I do to migrate to v2-v3?

I guess I’m confused still. On the X page you have a different website. Is that not valid anymore?

I’m still confused on moving the NFT but I’ll try using the site you provided to figure is out first

Ok my OG nft would not allow me to migrate.

I was able to burn, how do I get the original OG nft back now?

Hello! The steps to migrate OG NFTs are: Burn to Redeem → Go to → Approve PRNT → OG Mint

Would you please provide with your wallet address and a screenshot of where you find the old link?

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Please provide us with your address to be able to activate your minting. Please be aware the migration from v0 was a long time ago!

Ok first the photo of the old link

I went here from your X account then selected staking

I’m afraid to put my address here for all to see

Is there any other way? I’d prefer a DM somehow

It’s a D’CENT wallet

Click in my name and send a DM