XDC Staking NFTs

In this post you’ll find everything you need to know about the XDC Staking NFT Collection.

Simply browse the list and when you find an article or video you want to explore click the link which will take you to our Medium page or YouTube channel for that subject.

General Information About The XDC Staking NFT Collection
The article below details lots of general information about the XDC Staking NFT Collection such as when it was minted and how much the NFTs originally cost…
Medium Article > The XDC Staking NFT Collection

How To Buy An XDC Staking NFT
The article below guides you through the process of purchasing one of our XDC Staking NFTs…
Medium Article > How To Buy An XDC Staking NFT
YouTube Video > How To Buy An XDC Staking NFT

XDC Staking NFT Mechanics
The article below goes into detail about the mechanics of the XDC Staking NFT Collection…
Medium Article > The XDC Staking NFT Mechanics

XDC Staking NFT Rewards
The article below goes into detail about the rewards structure for the XDC Staking NFT Collection…
Medium Article > The XDC Staking NFT Rewards

How To Merge Your XDC Staking NFTs
The content below guides you through the process of merging your XDC Staking NFTs…
Medium Article > How To Merge Your XDC Staking NFTs
YouTube Video > How To Merge Your XDC Staking NFTs

How To Withdraw XDC From Your Staking NFT
The content below guides you through the process of withdrawing XDC from your XDC Staking NFT…
Medium Article > How To Withdraw XDC From Your Staking NFT
YouTube Video > How To Withdraw XDC From Your Staking NFT

The Burn To Redeem Function
The article below explains how the burn to redeem function works for the XDC Staking NFTs…
Medium Article > The Burn To Redeem Function

How To Migrate Your XDC Staking NFT
In early February 2024 the team initiated a smart contract swap to move the XDC Staking NFTs from version one to version two. The article below explains how to migrate your NFT onto the new smart contract…
Medium Article > How To Migrate Your XDC Staking NFT

How To Stake XDC Inside Of Your NFT
Below is a link to our video tutorial which guides you through the process of staking your XDC inside of your XDC Staking NFT…
Medium Article > How To Stake Your XDC
YouTube Video > How To Stake Your XDC

Claiming Your XDC Rewards
The article below guides you through the process of claiming your XDC staking rewards…
Medium Article > Claiming Your XDC Rewards
YouTube Video > Claiming Your XDC Rewards

XDC Staking NFT Stats
Here at Prime Numbers we love providing our community with stats and the article below contains all the stats for the XDC Staking NFT Collection since it launched…
Medium Article > The XDC Staking NFT Stats

As more content gets added to our library we’ll update this post so be sure to check back whenever you want to know something about the XDC Staking NFT Collection.