Question About Get Surplus&ClaimXDC

I have a question regarding the conditions for using the Get Surplus &ClaimXDC function.

I currently own three Full XDC NFTs and hold 300,000 pstXDC.

My Questions:

If I have 100,000 pstXDC, will I be able to activate the Get Surplus button for all three NFTs?

Or, do I need to hold 100,000 pstXDC per NFT to activate it?(it mean do I need hold 300,000pstXDC)

Additional Information:

I have reviewed the Docs, but I couldnt find any section explaining whether pstXDC needs to be held to use the Get Surplus and Claim Rewards buttons.
Iā€™m thinking that adding 200,000 pstXDC and 200,000 XDC to the liquidity pool while still receiving rewards from each of my NFTs with the remaining 100,000 pstXDC would be ideal.

I would appreciate your clarification on this.

Thank you!

Hello! You need to hold the whole position.
You can easily remove from LP when you want to claim rewards.

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